Yin Yoga for beginners

Do you want to strengthen your body's flexibility with a gentler, slower-paced yoga practise? Yin Yoga might be the right fit for you. Perhaps you enjoy the ferocity of your vinyasa class but are looking for the ideal restorative practise to balance out your fire flow. If you're new to Yin Yoga, we've put together the finest Yin Yoga sequence for beginners particularly for you!

Yin Yoga 

While some poses may appear to be similar to those seen in a vinyasa class, Yin Yoga postures are quite different. The titles of most Yin positions differ from those of standard hatha yoga poses. Yin Yoga attempts to release physical and energy obstacles by thoroughly penetrating the connective tissues in your body.

Your body begins to open up deeply through long holds, deep breathing, and relaxation. The fundamental distinction between yin and other yoga practises is that yin postures are held for extended periods of time and without the use of muscular strength.

Yin poses are often held for 1 to 5 minutes, but can last up to an hour. Blocks, blankets, and bolsters are used as props to ensure that the body is as comfortable as possible in each pose. Yogis are usually urged to activate muscles and use strength in a more fiery practise. Passive stretching with support and the release of any muscular tension are encouraged in Yin Yoga.


Basic Tips For Practising Yin Yoga

Yin yoga differs from other styles of yoga as the  goal is to relax fully into the position without exerting any muscular effort in order to place “stress” on the connective tissue. Here are some things to remember when doing yin yoga:

1 . Slowly ease into the posture: The longer you hold a pose, the more your body will naturally open up. Allow gravity to do the heavy lifting and avoid rushing to the brink.

2. Find calm and relaxation: Close your eyes and relax your entire body. The more concentrated a position becomes, the more likely your mind may wander. Allow yourself to stay focused on your breath and relaxation.

3. Use props: Being comfortable and supported in your pose allows your muscles to relax and open. Before you enter the scene, set up your posture using your props.

4. Once you've gotten into the  pose, try not to get out of it: It's possible that Yin Yoga will be more difficult than a fast-paced vinyasa class. When the impulse to fidget or move becomes strong, it takes practise to resist it. However, in each posture, concentrate on breathing and releasing.

5. Slowly increase the time you spend in each pose, starting with 2 minutes and gradually increasing to 5 minutes.


  • Enhances your flexibility

  • Relaxes both the mind and the body.

  • Reduces anxiety and stress levels

  • Improves blood circulation throughout the body

  • Fascia is released.

  • Improves joint mobility and range of motion by allowing your energy to flow freely throughout your body.

  • Physical and emotional blockages in the body are released.

  • It goes well with a more "yang" yoga practise like Vinyasa or Power Yoga.


Anyone can experience and  attempt the basic beginner-friendly yin yoga sequence below! Warming up before the sequence isn't necessary because it helps you dig deeper into the connective tissue.

  1. Child Pose:

    Take a mat-width spacing between your knees, walk your hands forward, and rest your forehead on the mat. Allow your hips to drop down to your heels by bending your elbows slightly to alleviate any tension in your neck and shoulders.

    Stay for three minutes and notice how soft your joints, muscles, and breathing are.

    Place a bolster or pillow in front of you and embrace or lay your upper body over it. Allow your hips to rest on a blanket that has been rolled up and placed behind you.

2. Downward Facing Dog:

Spread your fingers wide as you walk a few inches forward to the top of your mat. Curl your toes under, push your knees off the mat, and elevate your hips to the sky. Knee bends or any other action that feels pleasant in your body are recommended. In downward dog, check that your feet are hips-width apart, your hands is shoulder-width apart, your fingers are spread wide, and your spine is long. Take 5 deep breaths and hold them for 5 seconds.

Bend your knees, lift your hips higher, push the mat aside, and think about getting your stomach closer to your thighs if your spine tends to round in downward facing dog. Lift your hips and push the mat away to give your spine and side body extra length.


3. Butterfly Pose:

Bring the soles of your feet together a comfortable distance away from the torso while seated. Fold over your legs and support your head with something soft as you tilt the top of your pelvis forward. Place a folded blanket or bolster beneath your hips if your lower back is rounding. Allow 3-5 minutes to settle into the posture.


4. Pigeon Pose:

How to execute it: Starting at the tabletop, place your right knee behind your right wrist and point your right toes towards your left hip, forming a 45-degree angle with your shin. If your hips don't meet with the floor, slide your left leg back and lower them onto the ground, a folded blanket, or a bolster. Fold over your bowed right knee and support your head as required by lengthening your spine forward. Soften for 3-5 minutes on each side in this location.



Sit up straight and straighten your legs in front of you. Sit on a bolster or folded blanket if your lower back is rounding. Fold forward with your forearms resting alongside your knees, tilting the top of your pelvis forward. Place a pillow or bolster on top of your legs to support your head. If you have too much sensation in the backs of your knees or hamstrings, use a pillow to support them. Relax for 4-5 minutes here.

It is not the purpose of Yin yoga to uncover a deeper variety of each pose. Instead, the goal is to relinquish power. Something lovely happens when we do this. When we let go of control, the body softens, allowing us to achieve the depth we desire in a natural and comfortable way.

Recognize that you are the source of this inner silence. Accept this serene calm into your heart, and know that it will only get stronger as you progress in your Yin yoga practise.

Dragonfly Yoga Studio has some of the amazing yin yoga teachers. 

Enroll yourself for a happy yoga journey. 

Nida Zakaria