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Sacred Cacao Ceremony Retreat with Breathwork & Meditation

  • Dragonfly Yoga (In-Person & Zoom) 22-24 Sydenham Road Sydenham United Kingdom (map)

Facilitated by Kriss Höss 

Join this special sacred & heart-opening experience & RETREAT to help re-connect your energy & realign with YourSelf.

Are you looking for more clarity and direction? Do you feel like you need a little 'time out' yet seeking guidance? Come join us for a magical time in a small group..!

*** Open to ALL - Beginners welcome! ***

Joining other like-minded people and coming together for a couple of hours in a circle in a sacred space to connect can be a magical experience on its own. This time, you're invited to join a unique Cacao Ceremony Retreat experience, give your Self a much-needed time out and connect through the help of lovingly & specially prepared Ceremonial Cacao, light breathwork and beautiful meditations to help you open your heart, let go and release as well as to get clearer on what might be stopping you evolve and on your intentions of how to move forward in your life.

The lovely Kriss will be holding sacred space for you and her calm, clear, comforting & warm approach along with soothing sounds and the subtle yet beautiful powers of the Cacao plant will make you feel at ease and ready to connect with your inner world.
Kriss is passionate about all things related to health, wellbeing, self-growth, shamanic & sound healing practices, quantum & energy healing and life itself. She is an experienced health & wellbeing coach and also a certified Nutritional Therapist and has been in the health and wellbeing space for almost 10 years. (Read more about her in the Biography section)

Inspiring people and supporting them transforming their lives on their journey of (inner) healing, growth and self development in what Kriss enjoys and does from her heart.
There will be other elements to help you connect and tune in, such as beautiful sounds of Tibetan singing bowls. Cacao is considered a powerful heart-opener that can help us raise our frequencies, awareness and consciousness, so we vibrate from the frequency of love. Indigenous people recognise the Spirit the Cacao plant holds and therefore have been honouring it with respect, appreciation and gratitude for centuries. Ceremonial Cacao has been used as a plant medicine for thousands of years.

Cacao (meaning raw and unprocessed) is also considered a superfood, is high in antioxidants & minerals (e.g. magnesium, iron, chromium and others) and helps the body produce higher levels of so- called 'bliss chemicals' (e.g. Serotonin and Anandamide). It is a non-psychoactive plant that can be consumed by almost everyone* (*please see “Cautions & Things to note” below!)

Feedback & Client Testimonials:
" I felt: Dreamy * Relaxed * Happy * Warm * Peaceful * Grounded * Released * Energised * Wow! What an experience! It was just what I needed!" -- Feedback from several clients after the Ceremonies & Retreats
“Thank you so much Kriss for the amazing Cacao Ceremony last night. I felt called to join your ceremony and felt like I needed to release stored up emotions in order to open my heart again and I obviously did...” -– Alex, London
“Thank you beautiful soul for holding the space , guiding us through some complex issues & shining the love & light.” –- Naomi, London

This event is for you if you are:
• keen to take some time out for yourself, retreat & connect with your inner world, release and raise your vibrations
• new to meditation, breathwork and using plant medicines such as raw cacao to explore consciousness more
• wanting to move forward in life by exploring aspects of yourself (e.g. your dreams and desires, what's holding you back, your inner child, etc) that may help you forward on your path of healing and processing trauma

*Cautions & Things to note:
>> The Cacao used for this Ceremony is ceremonial grade, raw, organic, vegan and sustainably sourced from indigenous communities in Peru and specially & lovingly prepared prior to the ceremony

>> Cacao is NOT suitable for anyone with:
• chocolate / nut / chili or spice allergies,
• heart conditions or high blood pressure (as cacao increases the blood flow to the brain and the heart by approx. 40%),
• anyone taking (high doses) of SSRI/anti-depressant medication and/or suffering from severe mental illness,
• if you are sensitive to caffeine,
• if you are pregnant (especially 1st trimester!)
If this applies to you, please contact the event organiser the very latest 2hrs prior to the event to notify them. A herbal tea option can be available as an alternative so that you can still attend and benefit from the meditations etc (please note: the organiser holds no liability if you consume the above if not suitable for you despite being notified here!.

How to prepare for this event:
To get the most from this special & heart-opening experience, it is advised to eat light or fast on the day / keep an empty stomach from at least 2-5hours prior to the session (unless you have specific health condition(s) which do not allow you to fast!).
• Please make sure you are well hydrated (water/herbal teas are best - no sugar!) prior to arriving at the venue!
• Bring your favourite crystal/small treasure/talisman, a pen and your journal/notebook to write your intentions down
• Bring a yoga mat (if you prefer to use your own) and a thin blanket (as your body temperature might drop a little during the meditation part)
• Bring a clear intention of what you want to receive/manifest in your life going forward as well as what emotions/behaviours/habits/patterns or anything else you want to let go off
• Please bring a bottle of water / flask of mild herbal tea and a small snack for yourself for after the event finishes in case you get hungry (e.g. banana or protein bar), however most people do not feel hungry and continue fasting --- Note: unless you have special health condition(s) which do not allow you to fast!)
• Wear comfortable clothes to sit in in lotus on the floor/matt

Note/Disclaimer: this event/ceremony is offered to help you reconnect with YourSelf. It is not offered in a medical sense nor does it claim to provide any healing or therapeutic effect in a medical sense.