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5 Rhythms Dance w Live Music & Somatic Meditation

  • Dragonfly Yoga (In-Person & Zoom) 22-24 Sydenham Road Sydenham United Kingdom (map)

Facilitated by Nikki Ashley & Devaki Thomas MA DMP 

Includes Vegan Chai & LightDinner by Maree Sala 

Spring Soul Shine Wellness Workshop Series & Festival (19 June)  

5Rhythms is a Movement Practice rooted in the body’s instinctive expression, releasing us from 'overthinking’ helping reconnect to our authenticity in a poetic, dynamic art form. Nikki is a facilitator, 5Rhythms Teacher & Executive Director, dancing & studying the 5Rhythms for 14 years and teaching for 7 years, facilitating hundreds of dancers' journeys. She has a background in Traditional, Educational and Forum Theatre. She has a light yet deep presence to her teaching, allowing space and inner permission for authentic alive presence in your dance. Devaki is an established musician, multi-disciplinary artist and movement psychotherapist who will bring a gentle centering for your body through guided somatic meditation and will accompany sections of the 5Rhythms with live music including rhythmic and vocal inspirations using pulsing percussion and creative voice.

Please Bring: Blanket, Water Bottle, Comfortable clothing 

Suitable for: 5Rhythm dancers, all dancers, Yoga practitioners, musicians, anyone who wants to learn deeper ways of using the body to connect to themselves and their emotions and heart.  

 £30 per person, includes delicious vegan dinner and chai at the end