
Things To Do In Quarantine

How to kill the boredom and make the most of isolation...

With the recent reintroduction of lock-down in some areas of the UK, it seems quarantine isn’t as far behind us as we’d like it to be. Many of us have got used to popping to the shops again, seeing our family and friends, and getting back into the studio… so the possibility of going back into quarantine if cases rise again might feel a little daunting for many of us.So, how did we manage to keep busy and active for all those months? Here’s a reminder of what you can do to make sure mind and body stay in harmony - whether you’re quarantining after a holiday, back in ‘postcode’ lock-down, or simply enjoying spending time in your own home.

Work on your headstand

Everyone loves a party trick, and what better crowd-pleaser than the headstand? There are lots of videos to choose from to help you learn how to do a yoga headstand - try one of our favourites, from Yoga with Adriene.

The headstand is an integral part of yoga practice - it will help develop your core strength and get you one step closer to becoming an expert yogi. If you’ve got your headstand down, you’ll also find that you can access the more advanced content in our classes!

Go blackberry picking

It’s that time of year again…

August, September, and early October are the perfect months to find juicy blackberries among the brambles. Finally, your tupper-ware cupboard can come into its own as you head to the best spots in your local area, armed with boxes and baskets. And if you’re not a takeaway-box hoarder like us, you can always make your own baskets!

With a little research, you can easily suss out your nearest local blackberry picking spot - but here are a few of our favourite websites to start from:

Apart from making a great day out for the kids (and adults - foraging seems to bring out the inner child in all of us), we’ve found blackberry picking is a mindful activity. There’s something satisfyingly therapeutic about selecting and collecting blackberries, away from endless screens and technology.

What’s more, once you return with baskets bursting with those juicy berries, why not try your hand at a homemade blackberry and apple crumble, blackberry pie or even a blackberry soufflé?


Perfect your posture

Working from home means it’s easy to slip back into old habits with posture - slumped forward at our desks, shoulders up to our ears.

Quarantine is a great opportunity to work on making good posture a lifelong habit. Next week, we’ll be writing about this in more detail, so don’t forget to check back on our blog for more top tips.

In the meantime, try to imagine you have a delicate silk thread coming from the crown of your head, pulling you gently upright. Visualising this for a few moments at your desk before you sit down to do your work for the day can do wonders to improve posture.

Make ice-cream

A lot easier than it sounds, and the perfect antidote to thirty-degree heat!

This is a very handy activity for the kids to keep them occupied on a hot afternoon in the summer holidays...and even the foodiest of friends can’t help but be impressed when you whip out the homemade blackcurrant ice-cream on a sunny afternoon visit to your garden.

There are millions of recipes online for making your own ice-cream - but our favourite is Jamie Oliver’s 45-second ice-cream.

Join the Dragonfly Book Club

What are you reading this month? We’d love to know, so send us a message on Instagram with your recommendations @dragonfly_yoga_london.

Our top reads this summer:

We find reading helps us unwind and practice focusing our minds - great alongside meditation practice to nurture peaceful energy in stressful times. 

For more great book, film and TV recommendations and reviews, check out @cultureinthetimeofcorona on Instagram!