Ten yoga mudras and Their benefits

Yoga is about more than twisting your body or performing tough asanas. There are many other old practises that can be used in Yoga. Today, we'll discuss one of them: Mudra, an ancient technique that we use during Pranayama and Meditation. 

Mudra is a Sanskrit term that means "gesture" or "attitude." Psychic, emotional, spiritual, and artistic gestures or attitudes are all examples of mudras. Mudras were characterised by ancient yogis as energy-flowing postures meant to connect individual pranic force with universal or cosmic force.

Mudras are a set of subtle physical movements that can change one's mood, attitude, or perspective. And which help to increase concentration and alertness. A mudra can be a simple hand position or it can encompass the entire body in a combination of Asana, Pranayama, Bandha, and visualisation methods. 

Mudras are higher rituals that help the pranas, chakras, and Kundalini to awaken. It restores pranic balance within the koshas and allows subtle energy to be directed to the upper chakras, resulting in a higher state of consciousness. Each mudra establishes a distinct relationship and has a distinct influence on the body, mind, and prana.

Diseases arise from an imbalance in the body, which is produced by a shortage or excess of any of the five elements: air, water, fire, earth, and space. 

Each of these five elements has a specific and crucial job within the body, and our fingers have the qualities of each of them. When a finger representing one of the elements makes contact with the thumb, that element is balanced. As a result, the imbalance-caused sickness is treated. Mudras modify energy flow, changing the equilibrium of air, fire, water, earth, and ether, thus facilitating healing and health restoration.

Air (Vayu)- Index Finger

Fire (Agni)- Thumb Finger

Water (Jal)- Little Finger

Earth (Prithvi)- Ring Finger

Space (Akash)- Middle Finger

 Today, we'll go through some of the most effective mudras for curing ailments.

1.Jnana/Gyan Mudra (Psychic gesture of Knowledge)

  This is one of the most fundamental yoga mudras for increasing concentration and knowledge.

Sit comfortably in a meditation pose such as Padmasana or Sukhasana. Your index fingers should be folded such that they touch the inside root of your thumbs. Straighten each hand's remaining three fingers so that they are relaxed and slightly apart. Now, with the palms facing down, place the hands on the knees. Hands and arms should be relaxed.

2.Chinmaya Mudra (Awareness)

This is one of the most effective mudras for physical and mental well-being.

Form a ring with the thumb and forefinger, then curl the other three fingers into the palms of the hands. Now, with your palms facing upwards, lay your hands on your knees and take deep, relaxed breaths. Relax your hands and arms while observing the flow of your breaths. This mudra enhances digestion and improves the flow of energy in the body

3.Vayu Mudra (Air)

This is for balancing your body's air element, as the name implies.

Fold your index finger in half. With the base of your thumb, press the second phalanx bone of your index finger. Straighten each hand's remaining three fingers so that they are relaxed and slightly apart. Now, with the palms facing up, place the hands on the knees. Hands and arms should be relaxed.

This mudra aids in the expulsion of excess air from the body, which relieves chest pain caused by trapped gas.


4. Agni Mudra (Fire)

This mudra is for balancing your body's fire element, as the name implies. If you have indigestion or acidity, you should avoid this mudra.

Fold your ring finger and press the base of your thumb against the second phalanx bone. Straighten each hand's remaining three fingers so that they are relaxed and slightly apart. Now, with the palms facing up, place the hands on the knees. Hands and arms should be relaxed.

This mudra should only be done on an empty stomach and in a sitting position early in the morning.

 This mudra aids in the reduction of abdominal fat, increases metabolism, and manages obesity. It also aids digestion and strengthens the body.


5.Varun Mudra ( Water)

This mudra is for balancing the water element of your body, as the name implies. This mudra can be used to improve one's appearance. It makes your skin glow by allowing your body's fluids to circulate freely and keeping your skin hydrated. Avoid pressing the tip of the little finger against the nail. Instead of balancing your body's water level, this could create dehydration.

Touch the tip of your little finger and the tip of your thumb together. Straighten each hand's remaining three fingers so that they are relaxed and slightly apart. Now, with the palms facing up, place the hands on the knees. Hands and arms should be relaxed.

This mudra aids in the activation of fluid circulation in the body, keeping it hydrated. It prevents the appearance of pimples and treats skin illnesses and infections. It gives your face a natural glow and relieves muscle problems.


6. Prana Mudra (Life)

This mudra is for balancing your body's life element, as the name implies. This yoga gesture strengthens your immune system, enhances your vision, and helps you feel more energised by combating lethargy. This is a crucial mudra because it activates your body's energy.

Bend your ring and little fingers and place the tips of both of these fingers on the tip of your thumb. Straighten each hand's other two fingers, keeping them relaxed and slightly apart. Now, with the palms facing up, place the hands on the knees. Hands and arms should be relaxed.

This mudra strengthens your immune system. This increases the power of your eyes and the clarity of your eyesight. It also alleviates fatigue and treats eye disorders.


7. Shunya Mudra (Sky)

This mudra is also known as the paradise mudra, and it can help you achieve a state of tranquillity if you practise it regularly

Using your thumb, press the first phalanx of your middle finger. Straighten each hand's remaining three fingers so that they are relaxed and slightly apart. Now, with the palms facing up, place the hands on the knees. Hands and arms should be relaxed.

This mudra relieves earaches and aids persons who are losing their hearing due to age or disease. It also aids in the treatment of motion sickness and vertigo.

8.Surya Mudra (Sun)

This mudra is for balancing the sun aspect of your body, as the name implies. To take use of the sun's vitality, you must do it first thing in the morning.

Press your ring finger with the thumb. Straighten each hand's remaining three fingers so that they are relaxed and slightly apart. Now, with the palms facing up, place the hands on the knees. Hands and arms should be relaxed.

This mudra aids in the reduction of bad cholesterol and weight gain. It also helps with anxiety and digestion.


9.Prithvi Mudra (Earth)

Make a connection between the tip of your ring finger and the tip of your thumb. Straighten each hand's remaining three fingers so that they are relaxed and slightly apart. Now, with the palms facing up, place the hands on the knees. Hands and arms should be relaxed.

This mudra helps to increase blood circulation throughout the body. While meditating, it improves patience, tolerance, and concentration. It also aids in the strengthening of weak and lean bones. Surprisingly, it aids in the increase of body weight, as well as the reduction of weakness and mental dullness.


10.Adi Mudra ( First Gesture)

This is a symbolic and ritualistic hand gesture used to quiet the mind and nervous system in a spiritual yoga practise.

A light fist is formed by placing the thumb at the base of the tiny finger and curling the other fingers over the thumb. Now, with your palms facing upwards, lay your hands on your knees and take deep, relaxed breaths.

This mudra helps to prevent snoring by relaxing the nerve system. It also boosts the passage of oxygen to the brain and expands the lungs' capacity.


Yoga mudra practises, when paired with meditation and breathing techniques, can assist us in living a happy, pain-free life. Which would you choose to practise first?

Nida Zakaria