
What can yoga do for you?

Benefits of Yoga

The whole wide world recognizes the countless benefits of Yoga. Over the years, many have shunned the gym and have become regular Yoga practitioners. But Yoga is not about stretching and the head over heels poses, it is a union of the mind, body, and soul – something that every Yoga beginner needs to know.

Researchers have always talked about the physiological and physical benefits of yoga. Every yogi notices a positive change in their body just after a week of regular yoga practice. Although the changes may vary from body to body and person to persons. Hence adapting religiously to yoga can do wonders and in this article we will talk about what yoga does to your body.

Why is Yoga Good For Your Body?

1) Eases Pain: There have been several medical studies which indicate that yoga can be effective in dealing with chronic pain issues such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, migraine, lower back pain, and several other chronic pain conditions. Yoga triggers a positive cycle of muscular recovery and reduced body pain which may have occurred due to lifestyle issues.

2) Reduces Stress: Yoga has proven to be magical in reducing stress and anxiety. As yoga turns out to be extremely popular, an ever increasing number of individuals are finding its advantages in bringing peace in their stressed lives. The various stretching poses and breath control exercises helps in relaxing the mind and soul. Standing Forward Bend, Rabbit Pose, Side Stretch, Thunderbolt pose, Corpse Pose are some of the few poses helpful in reducing stress and anxiety. All these poses boost the level of oxygen to our brains, leaving us relaxed and content with our selves.


3) Improves Posture: Yoga poses are very useful in perfecting our bad postures. Good body posture is important as it reduces the stress on joints and ligaments. The muscles can work more freely and efficiently if you have a good body posture. Reverse Namaste, Extended Side Angle, Plank Pose, Camel Pose, Cobra Pose and Bridge Pose are some of the most recommended postures for correcting our body poses.


4) Improves Flexibility: Enhanced flexibility is another valuable advantage of yoga. With regular yoga practice you will notice the gradual releasing and loosening in your body helping you to perform advanced poses much easily.

With improved flexibility you will also notice that aches and pain start to disappear. Additionally, yoga also extends other delicate tissue in the body, for example, tendons and ligaments, expanding the scope of movement in the joints and permitting you to move around more openly.

5) Increases Blood Circulation: Blood, as you are aware performs the basic function in the body, circulating basic nutrients and oxygen all through your body and furthermore eliminating waste from your cells. Escalating blood flow can make one feel more energized and yoga is the perfect exercise toget your blood flowing. Forward Pose, Downward Facing Dog, Legs up the wall, Pigeon Pose, Seated Twist pose are some of the postures one must practice for better blood circulation. Yoga also lifts hemoglobin levels on red blood cells, which carries oxygen to the tissue. Studies have also revealed that yoga had been helpful in improving heart health and also reduced many risk factors for heart disease. Basically it keeps your heart happy.


6) Reduces Weight: Many people believe that yoga is a much gentle exercise and one can lose weight while practicing yoga. Well! This notion is so not true. Because yoga has proven to be a wonderful method to reduce weight and maintain the body you want. Practicing yoga definitely helps in relaxing the body and mind, helping you to de stress and permitting you to get in shape normally. Scientific research has been showing links between weight loss and yoga. Plank Pose, Warrior Pose, Triangle Pose, Bridge Pose, Twisted Chair Pose are some of the most practiced yoga poses for reducing weight.

7) Lowers Blood Sugar: Yoga experts highly recommend yoga for diabetes management. For people with diabetes, yoga has been found to lower blood sugar in different ways: by bringing down cortisol and adrenaline levels, reducing weight, and improving sensitivity with the impacts of insulin. Get your glucose levels down, and you naturally decrease the risk of diabetic complications as heart stroke, kidney failure etc. Poses like Legs Up the Wall, Seated Forward Bend, Plow Pose, Upward Facing Dog, Bow Pose helps in lowering blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

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There are countless benefits of practicing yoga. The beauty of yoga is that it not only relaxes our body but also calms our soul. Also it can be adapted according to an individual needs and lifestyle. Apart from the aforementioned benefits the following are the added profits of practicing yoga:

  • Improves muscle tone and strength.

  • Helps in focusing.

  • Boosts immune system.

  • Calms nervous system.

  • Regulates adrenal glands.

  • Improves balance.

  • Protects spine.

  • Gives inner strength.

  • Enhances self-esteem.

  • Helps in getting sound sleep

Actually, what yoga does to our body cannot be measured in words. You should get onto your mat, practice and feel the difference.

Above all yoga gives you the much needed peace of mind.

Nida Zakaria