
How to get into yoga?

The word ‘yoga’ comes from a Sanskrit word ‘yug’ which clearly means to union. And the Oxford Dictionary describes yoga “as a Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline, a part of which, including breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures, is widely practiced for health and relaxation”.

Every year millions of people all around the globe have been embracing yoga as a daily routine for a stress free and a healthier life. But many a times some of us might be reluctant and unsure of where to start with.

Here we will talk about some of the easy tips to get started with this wonderful practice.

1)  Join a beginners Class:  First and the foremost important thing is to find a good yoga studio. While you can do yoga, easily, at the comfort of your home, there are yoga studios that conduct sessions which may involve equipment like straps, belts, and blocks. So, it is up for you to decide how you want to start with the yoga practice. With virtual yoga becoming a thing today, one can simply log in and follow various yoga experts who run videos series on YouTube and Instagram.

 Generally your yoga classes will be scheduled for an hour or an hour and a half which will include a series of poses, breathing practice and mental focus.  You will be trained to keep your mind, breath and body at peace. Yoga will improve flexibility, balance, strength and stamina, while also developing mindfulness and concentration. 


2)  Embrace Yoga:  Acceptance is the next vital thing. Always remember yoga is for all ages and sizes; so once you are enrolled as a yogi try and embrace yoga as a part of your daily routine. Eventually as the day passes you will  feel the difference, yoga had on your mind and body.

3)  Learn Basic Poses:  Once you join in as a new yogi your instructor will first train you with the foundational poses of yoga. As a beginner you should be familiar and comfortable with poses like: child pose, mountain pose, downward dog pose, baby cobra pose, corpse pose, plank pose etc. It is always advisable not to hurry in learning the complex poses. Take one pose at a time and flow slowly.

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4)  The art of breathing: Yoga is solely linked with your breath. If you learn the skill of focusing on your breath while practicing any basic or complicated posture you simultaneously establish a connection with your body and mind. The breathing exercise (Pranayama) helps in reducing anxiety and develops concentration.

 5)  Learn the basic terms: Maintain a diary and take down notes of the various asanas and postures for better remembrance. Sanskrit might not be easy for you hence in order to keep up and not get lost its advisable you write down everything important.

Some of the basic terms used in yoga are as follows:

·         Asanas: The  physical poses or postures

·         Pranayama: This is the breathing technique

·         Om: An elemental chant that helps to center and focus your mind.

·         NamasteAn honorable salutation, typically said at the end of class.

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6)  Yoga Accessories: Frankly, you don’t need anything special to get started with yoga. All of the yoga studios provide mats and other basic equipment. But if you are practicing in the confinement of your house grabbing a good quality yoga mat should be first in your list.  Always remember to buy a non slippery mat with a solid grip for hassle free practice.

 To stay focused and comfortable during your yoga practice you need a good pair of yoga pants. Remember to always go for comfortable and skin tight pants. This gives you a fine stretch. Your leggings or pants should go with a nice tank top or a sports bra (for women). A simple tee shirt is the best to have for both men and women.

 So, what are you waiting for?

If you are looking for a positive change it’s the right time to hit the mat.

Nida Zakaria


Top Tips for Beginners

Yoga, as we all know is for all shapes and sized and it’s never too late to hit the mat. But for a beginner stepping onto the mat for the first time is not always an easy task. Once you are determined to begin with your yoga journey a hundred question might pop up in your mind.

First and the foremost, whatever holds you back from practicing yoga just let that myth go away and begin with your yoga session. So here we will be discussing some important tips that you as a new yogi must be aware of. So, check out these things before you don yoga pants.


1. Research and Find a Good Trainer: In these unprecedented times of corona we are all quite scared of going out frequently. In this case as a beginner you will have to do your homework and find a yoga studio that operates online.

You will also have to do your research on the trainers. If you come across any good yoga studio, go for try their trial classes for a couple of days later on continue if everything suits your criteria.


2. Go Slow: The purpose of yoga is not same as the purpose to join a gym. Yoga provides calmness, strength, flexibility, and balance to your body. While you may not have to dedicate an hour to yoga every day, but a three- four hours per work works well for anyone who is starting with their yoga practice.

3. Get a Good Yoga Mat: A good quality yoga mat should be the first in your list. Always remember to buy a non slippery mat with a solid grip for hassle free practice. Your mat should have comfortable cushioning and light weighted. Go for mats which have gripping on both the sides. The upper grip holds you firm while performing a difficult pose and the grip downward securely holds the floor.

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4. Eating and Drinking: It is always suitable that you don’t eat for one or two hours before your practice. It is always best to stay hydrated; you can take small amount of water before you begin your yoga. It is always advisable to avoid alcohol, sugar and caffeine before yoga.

5. Build your Foundation: Once you join in as a new yogi your instructor will first train you with the foundational poses of yoga. As a beginner you should be familiar and comfortable with poses like:child pose, mountain pose, downward dog pose, baby cobra pose, corpse pose, plank pose etc.

6. Mind your breath: Yoga is solely linked with your breath. If you learn the skill of focusing on your breath while practicing any basic or complicated posture you simultaneously establish a connection with your body and mind. The breathing exercise (Pranayama) helps in reducing anxiety and develops concentration.


7. Find your flow: Finding your flow and style can be difficult in the beginning if you are a newbie. You can take a few attempts to be comfortable with your flow and then settle for a regular practice. This way your trainer will also understand the alignment of your body and help you with your postures in a much easier manner.

8. Read Books, Blogs on Yoga : Always support your practice with some additional reading. There are plenty reading material on yoga. Expand your knowledge with some books, blogs and videos.


9. Take Notes: Maintain a diary and take down notes of the various asanas and postures for better remembrance. Sanskrit might not be easy for you hence in order to keep up and not get lost its advisable you write down everything important.

10. Comfortable Clothes: Always go for stretchy yoga pants and leggings with a nice tank top or a sports bra (for women). A simple tee shirt is the best to have for both men and women. Just be sure that your clothes are giving you the space for proper movement.


11. Balance Diet: As a beginner you will have to make some nutritional adjustments in your diet. Slow carbs and fiber are a must. Add more of green veggies, fruits, oatmeal in your diet. Always advisable to intake something light couple of hours before your practice.

Nida Zakaria

New to practicing Yoga? Here is a checklist for the beginners

“Yoga is 99% practice and 1% theory”

Once in a while many of us come across the idea of practicing yoga but just couldn’t begin with
it of all the many reasons. Some think that yoga is not their cup of coffee others might feel that
they are too inflexible for the poses or too old to join yoga class.
Whatever your reason might be always remember yoga is for every age and every body type. So
let the myth go away and if determined for a healthy mind and body enroll yourself for yoga
There are some important things that you as a new yogi must know before hitting the mat. So
here is a list of things you beginners need to check before you don your yoga pants –

1. How and where to practice Yoga- You can perform Yoga anywhere and anytime, with
yoga props (need mats and the stretchy gear). While you can do Yoga, easily, at the
comfort of your home, there are yoga studios that conduct sessions which may involve
equipment like straps, belts, and blocks. So, it is up for you to decide how you want to
start with the Yoga practice. With virtual yoga becoming a thing today, one can simply
log in and follow various yoga experts who run videos series on YouTube and Instagram.

2. How often to practice Yoga – The purpose of yoga is not same as the purpose to join a
gym. Yoga provides calmness, strength, flexibility, and balance to your body. While you
may not have to dedicate an hour to yoga every day, but a three- four hours per work
works well for anyone who is starting with their Yoga practice.

3. Don’t even think about starting with pretzel poses from the very start- Yes, yoga is
all about being flexible and bendy, but that doesn’t imply to over exert and hurt your
muscles in doing advanced poses or asanas (arm balancing, inversions and backbends)
right from the start. As a beginner, one must begin from simple ones and gradually
move to higher levels. This is not a competition, this is Yoga !


4. Yoga is not just about exercising and body movement – Yoga as the world knows is a way of life. It is far more complicated than half an hour on the mat every day. While the essence of Yoga is in the practice, one must also try and understand the purpose behind it. Cultivating a regular practice will have a positive impact on your body, your lifestyle and overall outlook on life.

5. Which Yoga poses to begin with? – This is again connected to how one should approach practicing yoga. While starting directly with complex pretzel poses can make you fatigued, one can choose from a variety of simple asanas. In the end, it all depends on what your body is capable of and comfortable. Listen to your body, is the first basic rule to practice Yoga! It is necessary to start with fundamental poses first. Some of these can include the Mountain, Warrior, Plank, Chair, Lunge, Dog, Lifts and folds, Locust pose and many more.

6. Follow your teacher: Your yoga trainer eventually gets to know your body movement and alignment better than you. Therefore have faith in your Guru and religiously work on his/her advises.


7. Be flexible with the basics: Once you join in as a new yogi your instructor will first train you with the foundational poses of yoga. As a beginner you should be familiar and comfortable with poses like: child pose, mountain pose, downward dog pose, baby cobra pose, corpse pose, plank pose etc.

8. Mind your breath: Yoga is solely linked with your breath. If you learn the skill of focusing on your breath while practicing any basic or complicated posture you simultaneously establish a connection with your body and mind. The breathing exercise (Pranayama) helps in reducing anxiety and develops concentration.


9. Savasana is important: Savasana is the final resting pose at the end of your session. Generally many of the yogis skip this vital pose but as a beginner you should understand that savasna helps your body and mind to relax and rejuvenate after that hectic yoga session. Therefore it’s advisable to lay down for a couple of minutes and never skip Savasana.


10. Never give up: The fact is you won’t start loving yoga in a day but once you do there is no escape from it. Keep practicing until you make it a daily routine.

You do not have to be intimidated with complex inversions or backbends while researching yoga - you shall get there!

The key to become a true Yogi is years of practice and adherence to discipline. Yoga is not just a workout to lose weight or remove fat! Yoga is health and life – one must be cognizant how one approaches Yoga practice. A day of stress, and nerves in pain – all could be cured with regular Yoga practice.  While starting out, one needs to choose their style as per one’s fitness and flexibility levels. The first few times could make you feel challenged but as the body warms up and opens to the idea; you would feel a new sense of enlightenment with regular yoga practice.


Nida Zakaria


“Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.” -The Bhagwad Gita

It is true that getting started with yoga for the first time can indeed be a little intimidating as a general perception of yoga is that it comprises only of complex poses and names. Hence as a beginner, this might scare you away. However, once you start enjoying it, there is no looking back. That’s what yoga does to your body.

As a newbie, your trainer will always begin with some easy-to-grasp postures which are short and straightforward. Fortunately, you do not need to learn all the poses at once. Few of the foundational yoga postures are mutually common in position and muscular actions. Once you get a hold of the basic poses, your session moves to the more challenging ones. Also, it is important for you, as a beginner, to be familiar
with the basic asanas (poses) ahead of time, as you will be asked to do those in almost every session.

Here, I have mentioned seven (and the most foundational) yoga postures which I selected for you as a beginner.

Before you begin with your yoga journey, remember that you need to patiently absorb the poses as it helps in healing your mind and body. Listen to what your body demands and always seek the help of your qualified trainers, as they are the ones who could help you in altering the posture to the one that suits your strength and flexibility.

Let’s get started as you lay comfortably on your mat.

Seven Simple Poses for a Beginner:

1. Mountain Pose (Tadasana): As the name suggests, this yoga posture gives firmness, strength, and power to the body. The Mountain Pose is the base for all the standing poses and a must to know as a beginner. Tadasana helps in improving body posture and develops perfect alignment. This yoga posture looks very simple but sometimes, it does become difficult to stand firm and still while upholding a good alignment. In this posture, the dynamics begin with the firm establishment of the feet to build up the balance. The energy, thus, drives up to the legs and thighs from the feet and spreads to the whole body. The spine is properly aligned, shoulders relaxed and head centered in the mountain pose.

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2. Easy Pose (Sukasana):  Well, this is the classic yoga posture, but unlike the name suggests, it might not always be easy.  I term it as the crossed leg and a straight spine pose.  Often, the trainers start with this basic pose before moving further to the complex ones. This pose can easily be applied if you are capable enough to sit still for at least five minutes. Sukasana helps the beginners to build up a seated foundation and master the art of meditation and self-reflection.  It also supports lengthening and perfect alignment of the spine. This pose has a calming effect on the mind and body and improves one’s concentration.

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3. Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana): This is one of the most widely recognized yoga poses. Trainers use the downward facing dog posture as a switch between poses. It helps in toning, strengthening, and energizing the body. Also considered as an inversion pose, it helps in improving circulation of blood to the head, brain, and the neck; and reinforces the shoulders, arms, and legs. This particular pose can be a little frustrating for you as beginners, but, you will start enjoying it once trained properly.

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4. Plank Pose (Kumbhakasana): Planks are commonly seen as a daily exercise which helps in building strength. You learn to balance on your hands while using the entire body as a support system. As a beginner, it is the most preferred pose if you want to tone your abs and develop strength in the upper body. One also learns to use breath strategically while performing the plank pose.  Sometimes, even the experienced yoga practitioners find planks very difficult, and for combating this, modification of the pose according to their body and strength can be helpful. Try holding on to this pose for four breaths and you will at once feel the heat building in your chest, arms, and legs.


5. Cat and Cow (Marjaryasana/Bitilasana) :  The Cat and Cow pose are the easiest to grasp and practice. When done with precision, this essential pose travels through both flexion and augmentation of the spine. Each movement leaves an individual with calmness and relaxes the body while releasing tension.

  • Cat Pose (Marjaryasana): This is a delicate backbend that relaxes up the spine, extends the rear of the middle, and delivers pressure in the neck. The pose gets its name from the Sanskrit words Marjari, which means cat, and asana, which means pose.

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  • Cow Pose (Bitilasana): This is a gentle backbend that relaxes up the spine, extends the front of the middle, and delivers strain in the neck. It gets its name from the Sanskrit words Bitila, which means cow, and asana, which means pose.

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6. Tree Pose (Vrikshasana): Yet again a wonderful and simple standing pose for tenderfoots to pick up balance, and gain focus and clarity. This pose also teaches one to breathe smoothly while keeping the body balanced on one foot. While standing in the Tree Pose you will feel grounded and strong regardless of whether or not you held your breath for a couple of seconds. Additionally, this a perfect pose to move easily from one posture to other while maintaining balance. As a beginner, it is an extraordinary standing pose to work on, as it connects to your brain, thus leaving you more focused. This pose also helps in developing clarity of mind.

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7. Corpse Pose (Savasana): It has been noticed that most of the people begin with yoga to reduce stress, thus in this case, the corpse pose has been considered as one of the best yoga postures that teaches us to relax. The particular name of the asana (corpse pose) is indeed gloomy but the main idea is to forget everything for a while and relax. Relaxing in the corpse pose will permit you to relax more effectively and help you shift rapidly into the other yoga poses and this will ultimately allow you to diminish pressure and strain in your body. It’s a perfect way for practicing meditation for a beginner especially when an individual is generally not used to sitting for long hours. As a beginner, it might hurt your back while laying down flat but your trainer will always help you in modifying it according to the demands of your body.

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Some Other Poses:

Of the many yoga poses, I had picked up only seven for you as a beginner. But the following postures are a must to be added in the list for you as a new learner.

·         Warrior 1 (Virabhadrasana I)

·         Warrior 2 (Virabhadrasana II)

·         Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

·         Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana)

·         Child’s Pose (Balasana)

 Always remember:

·         To move gradually through each posture, making sure to inhale as you move.

·         To pause after postures that are challenging for you, particularly if you experience shortness of breath. In that case, restart when your breathing gets back to normal.

·          Hold each pose for a couple of slow breaths before proceeding onward to the following one.

Begin with your love for yoga:

So, once you are firm in your decision to begin your journey with yoga, you, now need to choose the perfect yoga studio led by some expert trainers. Also, in these unprecedented times of COVID-19, you might be skeptic about joining a yoga studio in person. Well, in that case, there are studios that work online with the best of coaches and trainers! With the availability of a good internet connection and smart phone, you can access your online yoga class from anywhere.

Our yoga studio works both ways.

If not now, when? Begin your journey of yoga and trod your path to a better, calmer and healthier version of you!

Nida Zakaria