Six Simple Ways to Clear Negative Energy

In our day to day life we come across various sort of energies which influences our mood and mind. These energies comprises of both – the good and the bad. There are moments when we find ourselves engulfed by some bitter, toxic vibe and knowingly or unknowingly that ‘vibe’ destructs and disrupts our mind and body.

This can be termed as negative energies.

Negativity is poisonous to our entire system and one must find ways and method to combat with these energies for a holistic well-being. It can make us feel gloomy, heavy, upset, anxious and emotionally and physically feeble. It’s very important for all of us to get rid of this energy as it deeply affects our mind and body. Here are some easy methods to be incorporated in our daily routine.


 1. Practise Yoga : Yoga has proved to be helpful in combating negative energies since time immemorial. It is often advised by doctors and mental health therapist for clearing negative energies. 

 The following  yoga poses must be practiced for clearing negative energies

A) Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (upward facing dog) :


 This pose is not mentioned often but it is considered to be the best yoga poses for clearing negative energies. It helps in fighting depression and fatigue.

 B)   Marjaryasana (Cat-to-Cow) :


The Cat-to-Cow pose is beneficial as it calms the mind, relieves stress amd releases tension in the shoulders and neck.

C) SUKHASANA (Easy Pose)

The “Easy Pose” is one that helps in bringing peace to the helm. A forward bend, when practiced correctly, can aid in bringing calm.


Some of the other poses recommended for clearing negative energies are :

· Bound Angle Pose

· Supported Headstand

· Standing Forward Bend

· Tree pose

· Plank pose

2. Accepting Nature : 

Walking Path.jpg

 Nature is the mother of purity hence extremely beneficial for cleansing our souls. The beauty of ‘mother' nature can make it very difficult for any negative energies to come around if you go for a walk in the park on a daily basis.

You can bring nature into your home by surrounding yourself with flowers and plants. 

3. Meditation :



Meditation has a powerful healing effect in both mind and body. Self-fulfillment can be attained by eliminating all distractions and focusing on yourself. Great method to zone out spiritually from the worldly affairs and clear that negativity.

4. Keep your space clean

 Take quick and practical steps to get rid of something that isn’t adding value to your life. Bad vibes are attracted to clusters and an urorganised atmosphere, so sweeping and keeping the surroundings clean does wonders.

 5. Include Essential Oils in your daily routine


 Essential oils have been used to help release negative energy and foster positivity since ancient times.  They have the ability to change your present mood and transport you to a more optimistic state of mind. There are hundreds of oil to choose from, so trust your intuition and  your spirit lead you to the ones right for you.

6. Bathe in salt water to cleanse and dispel negative energies.

 A relaxing soak also aids in relaxation to help relieve tension and negativity by removing built up lactic acid and provising relief to sore muscles. While you are soaking, set a goal to release all negativity and aid in the cleansing of your body and aura.

As humans, we are constantly surrounded by force, whether negative or positive, and it is always there, even if we don’t realize it. You can maintain positive energy simply by accepting responsibility for your mistakes or appreciating the good in others and yourself. Simple exercises, meditation, yoga, passing a smile and cutting the cord to the past have always been successful in clearing negative energies.

 Nida Zakaria