How Can Yoga Help You Recentre Yourself

These are the most unprecedented and difficult times we all have ever face. With the new COVID strain and another lockdown life is just not getting back to normal. These are the times when our mind is stressed beyond measures, with such grave changes happening in day to day life. And this is when yoga comes to our rescue.

Practicing yoga definitely helps us in focusing inward with compassion to reduce stress and recenter.

Here we will be talking about a few yoga postures that helps to de stress. But before you begin it’s important to focus on your breath and your surroundings, once you have calmed down take a deep breath and center your thoughts to make a start.


1. Sukhasana (Easy pose)

The Easy Pose considered being a great posture that helps in calming down the mind and eliminating anxiety. Mental and physical fatigue stays under control if we regularly practise ‘sukhasana’.


2. Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana)

Forward bends helps in increasing the exhalation and relieving stress. In addition, with the arms behind the back, we discharge shoulder pressure. Uttanasana also helps in releasing the hamstrings which might get attached up when we are stuck in fight or flight mode. Traditionally it is also said to relieve insomnia.


3. Rabbit Pose (Sasangasana)

Yogis find the rabbit pose an extraordinary pose when stressed, panicked or exhausted. This pose gives a feeling of unwinding of the breathe out and solace of being nestles into a ball., We also get a shoulder release while we add the hands intertwined behind the back and lifting & lowering of hips.

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4. Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend (Prasarita Padottanasana)

As mentioned above forward bends helps in increasing the exhalation and relieving stress. In addition to it the wide legged forward bend help in releasing some of the pressure in the head.


5. Paschimottanasana (Seated forward bend)

Paschimottanasana stretches the spine, hamstring and lower back, helping to open up the hips. It is also considered to be a calming pose which helps in relieving stress, reduces fatigue and improves our mood.


6. Balasana (Child’s pose)

Balasana is helpful for our lymphatic system and nervous system. It helps in calming our mind and releasing stress.


7. Ananda Balasana (Happy baby pose)

This pose helps in stretching the inner groin, hamstrings and the lower back. It is also beneficial in calming the mind and getting rid of fatigue and stress. On doing this you will definitely get the attitude of happy baby.

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8. Plow Pose (Halasana)

Halasana helps in stretching the spine, shoulders and back of the legs. A great pose for reducing stress and fatigue. Plow releases the neck, head, shoulders, and hamstrings. It also increases the exhale and turns one inward.

So, yogis the above are only some of the poses that can help you recentre yourself. Indeed yoga is a wonderful way to calm our mind and body. Then, what you are waiting for. Give it a shot.


Practice Yoga & Stay Calm.

Nida Zakaria