7 Ways Meditation & Yoga Can Help Stress Relief For Parents Of All Ages

Parenthood carries along lots of responsibilities that can be staggering for anyone. To shift your focus to your children and family while managing other aspects of your life can trigger stress in your life.

It is therefore called for to try healthy distractions to help ease stressful feelings. It is important to stay calm for your children in such times.

Many things can distract you from all the financial responsibilities, relationship demands, and all the thoughts of how the world is a scary place to raise kids.

As mentioned in Parental Questions, Meditation and yoga is an excellent way to calm stresslevels for all parents. It’s a healthy and fundamental way that relieves anxieties more naturally.

The following are 7 ways meditation and yoga can help stress relief for parents of all ages.

1. Meditation And Yoga Clears Your Mind

Meditation triggers your body’s natural relaxation response. This calms your mind allowing you to relax, and what’s been troubling you leaves the body and mind. Some techniques of yoga, such as asana, act as a form of meditation. The poses are physical and will require your full concentration. You will be caught in the moment and forget what’s been troubling you at home.


2. Meditation And Yoga Improves Sleep

Parents, especially new parents, find it challenging to have an adequate sleep. Parental responsibilities can become too much to handle, affecting the quality and duration of your sleep. Yoga is a gentle and restorative way to help wind your day. Research has found out that people who practice yoga get better sleep. Practice yoga poses such as Ujjayi breath right before bedtime. Stay in them for periods of about ten minutes. Better sleep will put you in a better position to care for your kids.

3. Yogic Breathing Calms Stress In The Body

Responsibilities and worries about your kids can make you feel extreme pressure upon you, which will often manifest in your body. Breathwork in yoga will help release the stress from your shoulders, back, and neck. You can get rid of small stress through the act of breathing. Deep breaths will supply your brain with more oxygen. The result is that you will be calm and able to solve the problem causing your stress.


4. It Teaches Mindfulness

Parents tend to worry about the future of their kids. A skill termed as “mindfulness” in yoga encourages people to pay attention to their present feelings. Practicing the mindfulness technique through yoga practice and applying it throughout your day will help combat such worries. Parents need to apply mindfulness meditation to daily life situations. You will focus on the right things happening in your kid’s life at the moment. This will relax your body and mind and help to reduce stress.

5.. Yoga Gets You Moving

The physical practice of yoga postures will get your body moving. Exercises, whether slow or high intensive, are a popular treatment for stress and anxiety. Any exercise will help relieve stress for parents by keeping your body healthy. Yoga workouts release endorphins, natural hormones that make you feel better. Yoga And Meditation Will Soothe You With Music

Parents will need healthy distractions for a moment with all the parenting duties. Slow tempo music can have a profound effect by quieting your mind and relaxing your muscles. Music in your yoga class will set you in a cheerful mood. Music can reduce cortisol levels, evoking your body to release good feelings of endorphins.


6. Yoga Is A Fun Activity

Parents should lead by example in getting involved in fun activities. Build activities that bring fun and laughter around your home. You can practice yoga in the company of your kids and friends. You will find yourself laughing and smiling. Such happy moments are a great way to relieve stress.

7. Positive Thoughts

Yoga and meditation allow you to stay quiet, focused and calm. All of these are prerequisites to getting your thoughts and emotions organised to alleviating positive thoughts.

If you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed when at home, you can always find a safe space where no one will disturb you. Find a comfortable sitting position, like on a yoga mat or a cosy cushion, close your eyes and try to picture positive moments of your life.

These positive recollections will improve your mood and give you a confidence boost to tackle anything that comes your way. If you are an overwhelmed parent, give yoga and meditation for stress relief a try. Yoga classes can be a wonderful experience for any parent. Some apps can help you with yoga too. Healthily managing stress will make parenthood the most gratifying experience for all parents.

-Mo Mulla

Mo Mulla is a work from home dad who enjoys reading and listening to music. He loves being a dad and husband to a growing family. He loves writing about his passions and hopes to change the world, 1 blog post at a time! You can find his parenting blog here: www.ParentalQuestions.com